Filtering by: Membership

Membership Class
11:45 am11:45

Membership Class

Find out more about what membership at CBC looks like. Our membership class covers what Christianity is all about, what you need to know about our church, and how to take the next step into joining our church. There’s also plenty of time to ask questions to our leadership team.

Our upcoming membership class is on Sunday afternoons after church and includes pizza for lunch. It runs from 11:45am - 3pm.

Our next class is on Sunday, 11th February.

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Membership Class
11:45 am11:45

Membership Class

Find out more about what membership at CBC looks like. Our membership class covers what Christianity is all about, what you need to know about our church, and how to take the next step into joining our church. There’s also plenty of time to ask questions to our leadership team.

Our upcoming membership classes are on Sunday afternoons after church and include pizza for lunch. They run from 11:45am - 3pm.

Our next class is on Sunday, 10th September.

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